The Beginnings of a Living, Breathing Mission Statement

As a librarian, it is my personal mission to: model a love of learning and discovery, demonstrate my passion to help students become lifelong learners; expose patrons to a place where children and adults come to collaborate, create, explore resources, and discover new worlds; and unearth ways to mirror what is happening in the classroom with the outside world, creating authentic experiences that foster a sense of joy for learning.

The intended audience of my personal mission statement are those in my school community: students, teachers, parents, and administrators. Much of my practice as a librarian echoes Megan Egbert‘s beliefs as a librarian and a parent, “We should probably embrace what is here and use it to our advantage, rather than fighting with reality. Be involved in what your children are interested in” (Egbert, 2014). I am very transparent with my students, I want them to know that I do not have all the answers and that we are all on the same journey of exploration and discovery.

One of my goals as a librarian is to make myself visible and available to the school community as much as possible, I entered a space that was strictly used for accessing … Read More
