This quarter in the Digital Education Leadership program through Seattle Pacific University, I have been working together with my classmates to explore the ASSURE Model, an instructional model used to design lessons that effectively incorporate the use of technology to enhance student learning. This model identifies six steps in the planning process and those steps form the acronym, ASSURE:
What Does This Look Like?
My classmates and I created a face-to-face session for educators who are interested in incorporating technology into their classroom but are looking for basic management techniques to help them be comfortable and successful. The design of this lesson took place over an entire quarter, working on one of four phases and then seeking feedback from the professors before moving forward. This format allowed us to gain outside perspective, make revisions to the lesson plan and then use that feedback as we transitioned into the following steps of the ASSURE Model.
Here you will find our plans for the project, including the handouts that will be provided to session participants:
Reflection on the Process
What worked well?
I really enjoyed being able to meet with my classmates and work on this in-person, we all talked through the project while one person was transcribing our thoughts into the document. It was very organic and felt very balanced. The use of Google Docs and the ability for all group members to be contributing simultaneously was paramount to our success.
What were the challenges?
It felt like a very tedious project, the group kept saying that we felt like we were “on the hamster wheel.” It seemed we were over-explaining and repeating ourselves often. The ASSURE Model gives educators so many opportunities to think things through, but there were times when the process felt a bit too detailed.
Are you satisfied with the quality of the final product? Why or why not?
As I mentioned, it seems like a lot, it is more detailed than I think it needs to be, but with that being said, I think it is useful. I posed a question to the group recently that helped me to see the purpose of that level of detail: “If we revisit this next year to present at [a regional conference], will we know what that [particular comment] means?” The group was adamant that this document will not only stand the test of time, but could also be taught by educators outside of the group that originally created the lesson.
Where is this headed?
After investing a great deal of time and energy into this process, the group has started to consider the possibility of presenting this session at an upcoming educational technology conference. In the meantime, we move forward and carry with us what we’ve learned.
Smaldino, S. E., Lowther, D. L., & Russell, J. D. (2012). Instructional technology and media for learning (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.